_____________ is the toughest district this season.
_____________ is better than Carlsbad and Albuquerque High.
Alamogordo and Manzano: ________ is a playoff team, _________ is not.
Volcano Vista would win any other district: True or False. They would win any other district minus _____________ district.
Shiprock or Hatch Valley: Which team plays further into March ______________.
______________ wins district 2-5A.
_____________ is better than Carlsbad and Albuquerque High.
Alamogordo and Manzano: ________ is a playoff team, _________ is not.
Volcano Vista would win any other district: True or False. They would win any other district minus _____________ district.
Shiprock or Hatch Valley: Which team plays further into March ______________.
______________ wins district 2-5A.