Over the next few days our staff will be releasing the NMPreps.com Elite Combine Testing Results. Today we post the top linebacker Testing Results from the 2015 NMPreps Elite Combine.
Linebacker Testing Numbers Here
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Pictured is Onate Linebacker Forst McKee a junior at Onate. McKee had a stellar combine checking in at 6-foot-0, 215 pounds, 22 reps of 185 pounds, 4.69 40-time, 4.10 pro-agility, and a broad jump of 8-feet-10 inches.
Linebacker Testing Numbers Here
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Pictured is Onate Linebacker Forst McKee a junior at Onate. McKee had a stellar combine checking in at 6-foot-0, 215 pounds, 22 reps of 185 pounds, 4.69 40-time, 4.10 pro-agility, and a broad jump of 8-feet-10 inches.
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