I hate to be a sad sack but this is super important info.
National data from The Conversation Project, an organization dedicated to helping people talk about end-of-life wishes, show that 90 percent of us think it is important to talk about our wishes for end-of-life care but only 27 percent of us have actually had these conversations.
Today, April 16, is National Healthcare Decisions Day. This is a great day to start talking. I've attached a link to an Advance Healthcare Directive document that outlines the types of decisions that might be required and a form that you can give to your Healthcare Decision Maker.
Advance Healthcare Directives
National data from The Conversation Project, an organization dedicated to helping people talk about end-of-life wishes, show that 90 percent of us think it is important to talk about our wishes for end-of-life care but only 27 percent of us have actually had these conversations.
Today, April 16, is National Healthcare Decisions Day. This is a great day to start talking. I've attached a link to an Advance Healthcare Directive document that outlines the types of decisions that might be required and a form that you can give to your Healthcare Decision Maker.
Advance Healthcare Directives