Week 3 Player of the Week Voting
Elijah Davidson - Bosque - 20pts, 11 Reb in 70-34 win against Socorro.
Garrett Lalonde - Valencia HS - v Robertson 12/10
25 points, 14 Rebound
Dion Battle - Volcano Vista - 30 points (6 3-pointers) in win over Clovis; 22 points in win over Las Cruces. MVP of the Tournament. 24 points in the championship .
Ray Brown - Las Cruces - 20 points in win over Hope
Deraje Argbasi Eldorado 2020 17 points, 15 rebound vs Palo Duro
Tucker Smothermon from Artesia with 25 points in win over Valencia.
Ja’Shon Lowery - La Cueva - 20pt 10 reb 4 blocks vs Bernalillo; 11pt 6 reb 3 blocks vs Cleveland
Jose Murillo - Highland HS - 22 pts, 22 rebs, 3 blks vs Gadsden; 16 pts, 8 rebs, 3 blks vs Santa Teresa
Nate Hasberry - Cleveland - 12 points vs La Cueva.
Ismael Villegas - Pecos- 38 points vs Santa Fe. 20 points vs Kirtland Central.
Elijah Davidson - Bosque - 20pts, 11 Reb in 70-34 win against Socorro.
Garrett Lalonde - Valencia HS - v Robertson 12/10
25 points, 14 Rebound
Dion Battle - Volcano Vista - 30 points (6 3-pointers) in win over Clovis; 22 points in win over Las Cruces. MVP of the Tournament. 24 points in the championship .
Ray Brown - Las Cruces - 20 points in win over Hope
Deraje Argbasi Eldorado 2020 17 points, 15 rebound vs Palo Duro
Tucker Smothermon from Artesia with 25 points in win over Valencia.
Ja’Shon Lowery - La Cueva - 20pt 10 reb 4 blocks vs Bernalillo; 11pt 6 reb 3 blocks vs Cleveland
Jose Murillo - Highland HS - 22 pts, 22 rebs, 3 blks vs Gadsden; 16 pts, 8 rebs, 3 blks vs Santa Teresa
Nate Hasberry - Cleveland - 12 points vs La Cueva.
Ismael Villegas - Pecos- 38 points vs Santa Fe. 20 points vs Kirtland Central.