TexMex02 now sits at the top of the standings with 36675 points.
CVADJ7350 had the perfect score for the week 16650 points out of 16650 possible points for week #6.
(65) We had a nice large attendance for week #6 for Pick 'Em with 65-players! This is another solid number and if you didn't play last week there is always time to catch up during the season.
64 or 32-team tournament will take place at the conclusion of the final weeks.
CVADJ7350 had the perfect score for the week 16650 points out of 16650 possible points for week #6.
(65) We had a nice large attendance for week #6 for Pick 'Em with 65-players! This is another solid number and if you didn't play last week there is always time to catch up during the season.
64 or 32-team tournament will take place at the conclusion of the final weeks.