I hate how game times change once playoff time comes around. Tonight's Centennial/Hobbs game at Tasker Arena will start at 6 instead of 7. Why would the AD agree to this? Maybe in most towns it doesn't matter cause crowds aren't very big, but in Hobbs it can definitely matter. The early start time will greatly diminish the size of the crowd which is one of the best home court advantages Hobbs has. That's one of the reasons the Eagles have a home court winning percentage over 90% for the last 60 years. And I don't think it has anything to do with distance as Gadsden is traveling to Carlsbad and that game starts at the regular time of 7 o'clock.
And I haven't seen the paper today (not even worth paying for anymore) but if it's like most days there isn't much of an article if any letting people know about the game. Man, I miss the days when Clayton Jones was the sportswriter. So much info and you always knew there would be coverage of all the games. By the way, congrats to Clayton on the new job at Pepperdine.