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Girls February Top Performers
Alexis Lovato - Espanola - Scored 15 against Los Alamos
Amaya Brown - Cibola - Scored 15 against Rio Rancho
Amaya Brown - Cibola - Scored 14 against Rio Rancho
Amaya Brown - Cibola - Scored 20 against Cleveland
Ashlynn Trujillo - Los Alamos - Scored 14 against Del Norte
Aviana Garcia - Tularosa - Scored 19 against Capitan
Carson Boswell - Carlsbad - Hit game winner to beat Hobbs
Cassie Vickery - Tularosa - Scored 22 against Capitan
Cassie Vickery - Tularosa - Scored 23 against Lordsburg
Cera Chavez - Los Lunas - Scored 14 against Belen
Cera Chavez - Los Lunas - Scored 14 against Valencia
Danni Williams - Clovis - Scored 21 against Carlsbad
Danni Williams - Clovis - Scored 33 against Alamogordo
Elise Tapia - Los Lunas - Scored 13 against Valencia
Elise Medina - Del Norte - Scored 20 against Espanola
Felicia Patrico - Grants - Scored 26 against Academy
Halie Gleason - Kirtland - Scored 24 against Shiprock
Jayden Perez - Las Cruces - Scored 14 against Gadsden
Jordan Holland - Los Lunas - Scored 16 and 9 boards against Valencia
Kaitlyn Silver - Tularosa - Scored 15 and 10 boards against Capitan
Kaitlyn Silver - Tularosa - Scored 20 against Capitan
Kaitlyn Romero - Espanola - Scored 14 against Los Alamos
Kambrey Blakey - Portales - Scored 30, 11 steals, and 9 boards against Ruidoso
Kyanne Kowatch - Tularosa - Scored 10 and 12 assists against Capitan
Kyanne Kowatch - Tularosa - Scored 18 and 7 rebs, 5 steals against Capitan
Kylie Clark - La Cueva - Scored 18 against Manzano
Makeaela Jons - Los Alamos - Scored 12 against Del Norte
NiAsia MCIntosh - Gallup - Scored 28 against Miyamura
Sarah Abney - Las Cruces - Scored 21 against Alamo
Sarah Abney - Las Cruces - Scored 15 against Onate
Sarah Abney - Las Cruces - Scored 11 against Mayfield
Shania Gililand - Tularosa - Scored 13 and 4 assists against Capitan
Sophie Long - Academy - Scored 28 against Grants
This post was edited on 2/24 11:23 AM by Kyle H