All-Tournament Team - Powered By Tate Branch Auto Group

All-Tournament Team - Powered By Tate Branch Auto Group

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Class 6A
Bodhi Bolen - Rio Rancho - Earned win against Las Cruces, now 9-1
Chris Chapman - Cleveland - 3 RBIs against Atrisco Heritage
Daniel Salas - Rio Grande - 2 RBIs against Deming
Derek Hay - Las Cruces - with 6 ks on the mound against Sandia
Derek Trujillo - La Cueva - 3 for 3 with 2 runs against Mayfield
Devin Beard - Hobbs - 3 for 5 with single, double, and a triple against Eldorado
Dillon Gassoway - Volcano Vista - Hit triple against Carlsbad
Dillon Rodriguez - Volcano Vista - 2 run HR against Cibola
Dillon Rodriguez - Volcano Vista - RBI double against Rio Grande
Dom Baca - Sandia - HR against Las Cruces
Drew Gillespie - Sandia - Complete game against Las Cruces
Eric Hernandez - Carlsbad - 3 RBI double against Eldorado
Fernando Jara - Rio Rancho - RBI against Carlsbad
Gabe Trujillo - Volcano Vista - Hit RBI double against Carlsbad
Gavin Hertrich - Eldorado - 2 RBIs against Carlsbad
Garrett Gouldsmith - Rio Rancho - Played excellent defense throughout tournament
Jack Macias - Las Cruces - 75 pitch complete game against Sandia
Jack Penida - La Cueva - 2 for 4 with 1 RBI against Mayfield
Jason Herrera - Cleveland - 3-3 , 4 RBIs against Atrisco Heritage
Jonathan Stroman - La Cueva - 3-3 with HR against Mayfield, 6 IP, 6 K's
Josh Chavarria - Carlsbad - Earned win against Volcano Vista
Josh Chavarria - Carlsbad - Hit game winning sac fly against Rio Rancho
Justice Jackson - Cleveland - RBI against Atrisco Hertitage
Justice Jackson - Cleveland - two run single against La Cueva
Kam Miller - Las Cruces - was 3 for 5 with 2 doubles against Sandia, hit 3 run HR in game 2
Mark Dominguez - Rio Rancho - RBI against Las Cruces
Matt Chavarria - Carlsbad - HR for Carlsbad
Mikal Rojas - Cleveland - Earned win against La Cueva
Nate Garley - Eldorado - 3 run HR against Hobbs
Nate Garley - Eldorado - RBI against Carlsbad
Nick Martinez - Rio Rancho - Earned win against Alamogordo
Riley Peterson - Cleveland - RBI against Rio Rancho
Riley Peterson - Cleveland - RBI Double against Atrisco Heritage
Riley Peterson - Cleveland - RBI double against La Cueva
Ryan Johnson - La Cueva - 2 for 4 with 2 runs against Mayfield
Ryan Phillips - La Cueva - HR against Mayfield
Sergio Alfaro - Rio Grande - 14 strikeouts against Deming
Seth Olguin - Carlsbad - Hit double, scored game winning run against Rio Rancho
Shane Mora - Deming - 5 singles, 1 triple, 3 base on ballas, 2 RBI's aginst Rio Grande
Stone Romero - La Cueva - 2 for 3 with 2 RBIs against Mayfield
Tanner West - Volcano Vista - 3 hitter against Cibola
Tanner West - Volcano Vista - Earned win against Rio Grande
Tariq Levesque - Rio Rancho - 2 RBIs against Alamogordo
Tim Galindo - Las Cruces - 2 RBI single
Treston Shallenberger - Cleveland - 4-4 with 2 RBIs agaisnt Rio Rancho
Trevor Rogers - Carlsbad - Earned win against Eldorado, now 9-1
Trevor Rogers - Carlsbad - Hit 2 run HR against Volcano Vista
Tristin Lively - Las Cruces - 3 for 4 with a triple, against Sandia
Zach Bravo - Rio Rancho - Hit game winning two RBI double against Cleveland
Zach Groves - Eldorado - Hit HR against Hobbs
Zach Santoru - Volcano Vista - 3 for 7 with 2 doubles and turned 3 double plays against Cibola

Class 5A
Andrew Caliendo - Piedra Vista - 2-5 with walk off dub in bottom of 8
Cal Villareal - Goddard - Earned win against Piedra Vista
Cal Villarreal - Goddard - 10K’s against Del Norte
Carlos Carrasco - Artesia - 2-4, 3 runs, 2 RBI against Miyamura
Carlos Carrasco - Artesia 2-3, dbl, 1RBI - against Piedra Vista
CJ Bachechi - St. Pius X - 1 for 3 with 2 RBIs against Santa Teresa
Cody Fuentes - Artesia - 2-6, 2 runs, dbl against Miyamura
Colton Foster - Piedra Vista - 2-3 with a dub against Roswell
Connor Mang - Los Alamos - Walk off grand slam against Moriarty
Derek Farmer - Goddard - 1 double, single, sac fly and 2 RBIs against Del Norte, also threw out 2 from catcher
Deylan Pigford - Piedra Vista - 2-3, 2 RBI Against Artesia
Deylan Pigford - Piedra Vista - 3-4 with a dub against Roswell
Deylan Pigford - Piedra Vista 1-2 with a dub and an RBI against Goddard
Dominic Hines - Famrington - Went 4-4 with 5 RBI in game 2 vs Academy.
Dominic Madrid - Artesia - 3-4, 1 run against Miyamura
Elijah Gamboa - Piedra Vista - 1-3 with a trip and a run scored against Goddard
Elijah Gamboa - Piedra Vista - 2-3, 1 SB, 2 Runs Against Artesia
Fabian Magallanes - Piedra Vista - 6 2/3 (no hitter through 5/no decision) 1 earned
Gaylan Young - Goddard - Earned win against Academy
Grady Frost - Artesia - 2-5' 2 runs, 1 RBI, dbl against Miyamura
Jake Wyly - Academy - Hit HR against Farmington
Jesse Watson - Centennial - Hit RBI against Goddard
Jharyss Granger - Artesia - 4-6, 5 RBI, 1 run, 2 dbls against Miyamura
Jon Saiz - Academy - 3 RBI’s against Farmington
JR Bustamonte - Artesia 5 hit shutout CG against Miyamura
JR Pena - Centennial - 9 strikeouts against Belen
JR Pena - Centennial - Hit triple against Goddard
Junior Pena - Centennial - 9 strikeouts against Belen
Justin Lotz - St. Pius X - 2 for 3 with 4 RBIs against Santa Teresa
Karl Koerper - Centennial - RBI against Los Alamos
Kyle Duggins - Aztec - 2 hit shutout against Valencia
Lane Saunders - Los Alamos - WP against Del Norte
Luke Denoyer - St. Pius X - 2 for 3 with triple against Santa Teresa
Manny Cachora - Centennial - Hit game winning RBI against Goddard
Michael Arrieta - Centennial - 2 RBI double against Belen
Miles Hilton - St. Pius X - 2 for 3 in game 1, 3 for 4 in game 2 with 3RBIs
Orlan Warren - Piedra Vista - CG, 4 hits, 1 unearned against Roswell
Orlan Warren CG 54 pitches, 4 K's, 0 BB's 2 ER - Against Artesia
Ryan McGaha - St. Pius X - 2 for 3 against Santa Teresa, also earned the win on the mound, in game 2 he was 2 for 4 with 2 RBIs
Ryan McGaha - St. Pius X - Earned win against Aztec with 7 Ks
Sam Moody - Piedra Vista - 2-3, 4 RBI Against Artesia
Sam Moody - Piedra Vista - 3-3 with 2 dubs and 2 RBI's against Roswell
Seth Jones - Academy - Earned save against Farmington
Spencer Heyden - Aztec - 2 RBIs against St. Pius X
Taylor Null - Artesia - 2-2, dbl, run against Piedra Vista
Thomas Braybrooks - Academy - Earned win against Farmington
Tristan Bowden - Artesia 1-2, 1RBI against Piedra Vista
Tyler Mead - Piedra Vista - 1-3 with a dub against Roswell
Tyler Mead - Piedra Vista - 2-2 with 2 dubs and an RBI against Goddard
Tyler Mead - Piedra Vista 3-4, 1 RBI Against Artesia
Zach Gonzales - Centennial - 3 for 3 with two triples and 4 RBIs against Belen

Class 4A
Adam Abeyta - Taos - 3 for 4 against Robertson
Adam Abeyta - Taos - Hit 3 run HR against Sandia Prep
Adrian Ortiz - Cobre - 2 for 3 with RBI against Hope
Andrew Einhorn - Sandia Prep - 2 for 4 with double, triple, and 3 RBIs
Andru Sanchez - Cobre - 3 for 3 against Shiprock
Beau Williams - Sandia Prep - 3 for 4 with a double/RBI agianst NMMI
Beau Williams - Sandia Prep - 11 Ks against Silver
Brenden Charley - Bloomfield - RBI triple against Kirtland
Chauncey White - Bloomfield - 5 strikeouts against Kirtland
Chris Aranda - Portales - 2 for 2 with 2 RBIs against Cobre
Chris Aranda - Portales - 1 for 2 against Sandia Prep
Chris Dominugez - Cobre - WR against Shiprock
Corey Roberson - Cobre - 3 for 4 against Shiprock
Coy Karler - Hope - Hit 2 run HR against Pojoaque
Daniel Stell - Sandia Prep - 2 for 5 with 3 RBIs against Portales
Daniel Stell - Sandia Prep - 3 for 5 with 2 RBIs against Silver
Emilo Lovato - Portales - Allowed just 4 hits against Cobre
Garrett Cleavall - Sandia Prep - 3 Hits against NMMI
Grant Wagner - Portales - Earned win against Bloomfield, 2 for 2 at the plate with a double and triple against Bloomfield
Grant Wagner- Portales 2 hit complete game against West Las Vegas
Harris McConnell - Sandia Prep - 1 for 4 with 2 RBI's against Portales
Harris McConnell - Sandia Prep - 4 RBIs against NMMI
Harris McConnell - Sandia Prep - 7 for 9 during the series with 7 RBI’s and had 7 K’s on the mound against NMMI
Harris McConnell - Sandia Prep - Earned win against Taos
James Ramos - Cobre - 5 Ks against Hope
James Ramos - Cobre - WP against Shiprock
Joe Martinez - Sandia Prep - 3 for 3; 2B; 3 R; 1 RBI against NMMI
Joe Martinez - Sandia Prep - 3 hits against NMMI
Joe Martinez - Sandia Prep - Earned save against Taos
Joe Martinez - Sandia Prep - HR against Silver
Joe Martinez - Sandia Prep - WP against Portales in Title Game, also had 2 RBIs
Joe Standley - Hope - 11 Ks against Cobre
Joe Standley - Hope - Earned win, hit two run HR against Pojoaque
Johnny Martinez - Taos - 3 for 4 against Robertson
Jorge Gallardo - West LV - 3 for 5 against Portales
Luke Deifenbaugh - Bloomfield - RBI against Portales
Mike Snow - Sandia Prep - 3 hits against NMMI
Mike Snow - Sandia Prep - 4 for 4 with triple, double, and 4 runs scored against Taos
Mike Snow - Sandia Prep - 4 for 5 with 2 RBIs against Portales
Robbie Alacron - West LV - 4 for 5 against Portales
Robert Rodriguez - Cobre - 2 Run HR against Shiprock

Class 3A
Andres Aragon - Tularosa - 1-3,1B, BB & RBI against Dexter
Arturo Archuleta - Pecos - 10 Ks against Raton, also had 2 RBIs at the plate
Arturo Archuleta - Pecos - 15 Strikeouts against Lordsburg
Ben Crist - Texico - Earned win against Pecos in state title game
Bryce Jenkins - Eunice - 1-2 with double against Texico
Cole Rohrbach - Texico - 2 singles against Estancia
Dalton Thatcher - Texico - 1-3 with a 1 run against Pecos
Daton Thatcher - Texico - Pitched 4 hitter against Estancia
Dawson Prudencio - Tularosa - Complete game 7 hitter against Capitan, also at the plate he was 3 for 4 with 3 RBIs
Dominic Lomeli - Loving - 2 hitter with 11K's against Loving
Greg Cuevas - Lordsburg - 2 RBIs against Clayton
Jacob Esquivel - Lordsburg - 1 RBI against Clayton
Jacob Padilla - Tularosa - Two singles, a double and 4 RBIs against Capitan
Jake Padilla - Tularosa - 2-3, 1B, 3B, BB & RBI against Dexter
Joel Hernandez - Loving - 1 for 3 with RBI against Dexter
Johnny Plowman - Lordsburg - 3 hitter and had 6 Strikeouts against Clayton.
Nate Aragon - Tularosa - 1-3, 3B, BB, 2 RBIs against Dexter
Nate Phipps - Texico - 3 for 5 with 3 RBIs against Pecos
Nathan Phipps - Texico - 2-4 with 2 RBIs, a double, and a triple against Eunice
Rafael Maldonado - Texico - 2 for 3 with a double and 2 runs scored against Estancia
Rafael Maldonado - Texico - 2-4 with 1 RBI against Eunice
Ramon Retana - Lordsburg - 1 for 4 with 2 RBIs against Clayton
Xavier Lomeli - Dexter - Two RBIs against Loving

Class 2A/1A
Aaron Jasso - Dora - 3 for 3 with a double, triple, and 3 RBI’s
Justin Reynolds - Gateway - 2 run single against Melrose
Kendall Burnett - Melrose - 2 run single against Gateway
Rowdy Allen - Melrose - 2 for 4 against Dora
Wyatt Williams - Melrose - 3 for 5 with a double and three runs scored against Dora
Wyatt Williams - Melrose - Threw no hitter in state title game against McCurdy

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2002 State Champions

The records/brackets back through 2003 are out there and easy to find. After that the information gets sketchy...
Here is what I have been able to come up with so far... Feel free to let me know any errors or additions you see as this is all just stuff I dug up on the Internet...

If anyone has results for your school prior to 2003 you can send them to me at

So here are the 2002 New Mexico State Wrestling Champions

103 - Nick Ramierez - Rio Rancho
112 - Paul Tice - Rio Rancho
119 - Bryan Tice - Rio Rancho
125 - Lenny Lovato, Jr. - West Mesa
130 - Brandon Strong - La Cueva
135 - Aaron Owen - Carlsbad
140 - Josh Wenze - Sandia
145 - Zack Haynes - Gallup
152 - Patrick McNeely - La Cueva
160 - Evan Copeland - Mayfield
171 - Andrew Salas - La Cueva
189 - Brian Trujillo - Del Norte
215 - Hosea Graziano - Carlsbad
275 - Billy Brittian - La Cueva

103 - Justin Darby - Bloomfield
112 - Tyler Hare - Bloomfield
119 - Jon Dodson - Moriarty
125 - Ruben Leyba - Moriarty
130 - Jason Hare - Aztec
135 - Stephan Routt - Bloomfield
140 - Kyle Mason - Farmington
145 - Josh Lackey - Farmington
152 - Art Martinez - Silver
160 - Monte Topmiller - Silver
171 - Craig Herring - Aztec
189 - Justin Nine - Goddard
215 - Chuck Hesser - Aztec
275 - Tyler Woodward - Farmington


103 - Adam Martinez - Robertson
112 - Fabian Montano - West Las Vegas
119 - Gilbert Jimenez - Tucumcari
125 - Orlando Franklin - Shiprock
130 - Clinton Dale - Robertson
135 - Andrew Sisneros - Robertson
140 - Adrian Gonzales - Robertson
145 - Jesse Valdez - Robertson
152 - Tyrel Noelson - Navajo Prep
160 - Antonio Lucero - Robertson
171 - Cody Rivera - Grants
189 - Sam Trujillo - Cobre
215 - Jake Jimenez - Tucumcari
275 - Armando Montoya - Robertson

Protecting pitchers

I made a separate thread for this so coaches and parents could find it later. Education is key to protecting pitchers, and we have good resources on this board.

Let's start with this:

MLB has a website called Pitch Smart ( with information regarding protecting youth pitchers of any age. It includes guidelines for pitchers of high school age ( MLB recommends the following:
  • Players can begin using breaking pitches after developing consistent fastball and changeup
  • Do not exceed 100 combined innings pitched in any 12 month period
  • Take at least 4 months off from competitive pitching every year, including at least 2-3 continuous months off from all overhead throwing
  • Make sure to properly warm up before pitching
  • Set and follow pitch-count limits and required rest periods
  • Avoid playing for multiple teams at the same time
  • Avoid playing catcher while not pitching
  • Avoid pitching in multiple games on the same day
  • Make sure to follow guidelines across leagues, tournaments and showcases
  • Monitor for other signs of fatigue
  • A pitcher remaining in the game, but moving to a different position, can return as a pitcher anytime in the remainder of the game, but only once per game
That site also recommends a daily pitch limit of 95 pitches for pitchers age 15-16, and 105 for 17-18 year olds. It also has the following recommendations for rest after particular pitch counts:
1 day rest after 1-30 pitches; 2 days after 31-45; 3 days after 46-60; 4 days after 76+.

Josh Foley Wins 110 Hurdles

Josh Foley, 6 months after breaking his leg in football having surgery he wins the 110 Hurdles State Champ Back To Back!

This shows what hard work and dedication by Josh, more importantly the hard work from The Rio Rancho Trainer TJ, Dr. Treme, Coach Sal Gonzales and Coach Dave Howes for working him hard and believing in him. What a great day for Josh and the Rio Rancho Sports Family!

2016 State Playoffs Brackets Here

The Brackets will be released today starting at 4PM MST. We'll the brackets added asap here.

High School Baseball Preview Here

Class 6A Bracket
*1st Round of 16 is best of three series
*Quarterfinals through finals in Albuquerque
*Scroll down for future times & dates

6A Finals
No. 1 Rio Rancho vs. No. 2 Carlsbad - May 14th - At 12PM - At Topes Park

6A Semifinals
No. 1 Rio Rancho 4, No. 5 Cleveland 3 Final
No. 2 Carlsbad 7, No. 6 Volcano Vista 5 Final

6A Quarterfinals
No. 1 Rio Rancho 5, No. 9 Las Cruces 1 Final
No. 5 Cleveland 7, No. 4 La Cueva 1 Final
No. 6 Volcano Visa 3, No. 3 Rio Grande 1 Final
No. 2 Carlsbad 5, No. 7 Eldorado 3 Final

6A 1st Round
All First Round Scores Here
No. 1 Rio Rancho defeated No. 16 Alamgoordo
No. 9 Las Cruces defeated No. 8 Sandia
No. 5 Cleveland defeated No. 12 Atrisco Heritage
No. 4 La Cueva defeated No. 13 Mayfield
No. 3 Rio Grande defeated No. 14 Deming
No. 6 Volcano defeated No. 11 Cibola
No. 7 Eldorado defeated No. 10 Hobbs
No. 2 Carlsbad defeated No. 15 Gadsden

Class 5A Bracket
*1st Round of 16 is best of three series
*Quarterfinals through finals in Albuquerque
*Scroll down for future times & dates

5A Finals
No. 1 Goddard vs. No. 2 Centennial - May 14th - At Lobo Field - At 1PM

5A Semifinals

No. 1 Goddard 6, No. 4 Piedra Vista 2 Final
No. 2 Centennial 13, No. 3 St. Pius X 1 Final

5A Quarterfinals
No. 4 Piedra Vista 12, No. 5 Artesia 2 Final
No. 3 St. Pius 5, No. 6 Aztec 2 Final
No. 1 Goddard 7, No. 8 Academy 0 Final
No. 2 Centennial 5, No. 7 Los Alamos 4 Final

5A 1st Round
All First Round Scores Here

No. 1 Goddard defeatd No. 16 Del Norte
No. 8 Academy defeated No. 9 Farmington
No. 5 Artesia defeatd No. 12 Miyamura
No. 4 Piedra Vista defeated No. 13 Roswell
No. 3 St. Pius X defeated No. 14 Santa Teresa
No. 6 Aztec defeated No. 11 Valencia
No. 7 Los Alamos defeated No. 2 Moriarty
No. 2 Centennial defeated No. 15 Belen

Class 4A Bracket
*1st Round of 16 is best of three series
*Quarterfinals through finals in Albuquerque
*Scroll down for future times & dates

4A Finals
No. 1 Sandia Prep vs. No. 2 Portales - May 14th - At 10AM - At Lobo Field

4A Semifinals
No. 1 Sandia Prep 9, No. 4 Taos 6 Final
No. 2 Portales 5, No. 6 Cobre 0 Final

4A Quarterfinals
No. 6 Cobre 4, No. 3 Hope 2 Final
No. 2 Portales 4, No. 7 Bloomfield 2 Final
No. 4 Taos 17, No. 5 Robertson 1
No. 1 Sandia prep 12, No. 9 Silver 0 Final

1st Round
All First Round Scores Here

No. 1 Sandia Prep defeated No. 16 NMMI
No. 9 Silver defeated No. 8 Ruidoso
No. 5 Robertson defeated No. 12 St. Michael's
No. 4 Taos defeated No. 13 Hatch Valley
No. 3 Hope defeated No. 13 Pojoaque
No. 6 Cobre defeated No. 11 Shiprock
No. 7 Bloomfield defeated No. 10 Kirtland
No. 2 Portales defeated No. 15 West Las Vegas

Class 3A Bracket
*1st Round of 16 is single elimination
*Quarterfinals through finals in Albuquerque
*Scroll down for future times & dates
*1st Round Takes Place Wednesday, May 4th at Higher Seed

3A Finals
No. 1 Texico 6, No. 6 Pecos 2 Final

3A Semifinals - Thursday - May 12th
No. 6 Pecos 4, No. 7 Tularosa 2 Final
No. 1 Texico 9, No. 4 Estancia 1 Final

3A Quarterfinals - Wednesday - May 11th
No. 1 Texico 9, No. 9 Eunice 5 Final
No. 4 Estancia 4, No. 5 Laguna Acoma 3 Final
No. 6 Pecos 5, No. 3 Lordsburg 3 Final
No. 7 Tularosa 7, No. 2 Dexter 0 Final

3A First Round
No. 1 Texico 13, No. 16 Tohatchi 0 - Final
No. 9 Eunice 6, No. 8 Mesilla Valley 1 Final
No. 5 Laguna Acoma 12, No. 12 Santa Rosa 8 Final
No. 4 Estancia 20, No. 13 Navajo Prep 3 Final
No. 3 Lordsburg 13, No. 14 Clayton 1 Final
No. 6 Pecos 10, No. 11 Raton 2 Final
No. 7 Tularosa 20, No. 10 Capitan 3 Final
No. 2 Dexter 9, No. 15 Loving 1 Final

Class 2A/1A Bracket
*1st Round of 8 is single elimination
*1st Round through finals in Albuquerque
*Scroll down for future times & dates

Class 2A/1A Finals
No. 1 Melrose 4, No. 3 McCurdy 0 Final

Class 2A/1A Semifinals - May 12th - At Cleveland
No. 3 Mccurdy 9, No. 2 Floyd 5 Final
No. 1 Melrose 14, No. 5 Gateway 4 Final

Class 2A/1A First Round - May 11th At Rio Rancho
No. 1. Melrose 18, No. 8 Dora/Elida 3 Final
No. 5 Gateway 3, No. 4 Mora 2 Final
No. 3 Floyd 8, No. 6 Magdalena 2 Final
No. 2 McCurdy 11, No. 7 Questa 3 Final

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Happy Friday the 13th

Happy Friday the 13th. 13 is my families lucky number. Here is my 13 connections
I wore 13 as a Coach at Lovington and Artesia in Baseball
My son wore 13 in High School Baseball
My Grandsons have worn 13
I was HC in Baseball at Artesia and Brainaird Park is on 13th Street
I was HC in 76(7+6=13) when Artesia won it's first State Title in Baseball.
I was the HC for the Artesia Babe Ruth Baseball team that won State in 85(8+5=13)
My first office in the oilfield was at mile marker 13
I Coached 13 players who made All South in either Baseball or Football
I Coached for 13 years
Most of our homes have had 13 in the number

  • Poll
Best Jobs Still Open. A Slow Carousel

Best Job Open

  • Espanola

    Votes: 7 15.9%
  • Cliff

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • Cleveland

    Votes: 31 70.5%
  • Piedra Vista

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Santa Fe High

    Votes: 2 4.5%
  • Santa Fe Indian

    Votes: 2 4.5%
  • Deming

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Aztec

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bloomfield

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

Animas High School (Animas, NM)
Aztec High School (Aztec, NM)
Bloomfield High School (Bloomfield, NM)
Cleveland High School (Rio Rancho, NM)
Cliff High School (Cliff, NM)
Deming High School (Deming, NM)
Espanola Valley High School (Espanola, NM)
Gateway Christian (Roswell, NM)
Mesa Vista HS (Ojo Caliente, NM)
NMMI (Roswell, NM)
Piedra Vista (Farmington, NM)
Santa Fe Indian School (Santa Fe, NM)
Santa Fe High School (Santa Fe, NM)
Thoreau High School (Thoreau, NM)

Plenty of jobs still open. In my opinion there are good jobs open, good jobs/bad situations and intriguing jobs.

Jobs I Like Tier

Cleveland, Santa Fe Indian and Deming: Cleveland has the athletes and foundation built. They are only going to get stronger. Santa Fe Indian has the facilities and a better district. Deming dropping back to 5A basketball only helps. They also have some young talent you have to like.

Intriguing Jobs/Tough Situations

Santa Fe High, Piedra Vista, Cliff, and Bloomfield: The Demons have a beautiful gym and being from Santa Fe you know most of those kids loving playing basketball. Look at the winning traditions at Capital and St. Mikes. Piedra Vista is another location with talent but moving up to 6A might hurt this program. Cliff, only one name has held the title of head coach and many wins along with state titles. Might be very tough to live up to the legend of Shock. The Bloomfield Bobcats just had one of their best runs but move up to 5A, it's going to hurt the program again.

Good or Bad?

Espanola Valley, NMMI: Espanola the defending champs. Well, it's open for now but we've seen this story before. Is athletes and stuff but honestly this job has very high expectations, one that might start a fire. NMMI is one job I really like and a spot that I like. However, no teaching spot and you now play in the Hope district.

Recruiting News Lobos Offer In-State Linemen

Lobos offered Piedra Vista Offensive Linemen Dylan Weaver

Just days after we reported that Texas Tech, New Mexico, and New Mexico State were recruiting 6-foot-6, 270 pound offensive tackle Dylan Weaver, the Lobos have offered. "Coach Scott Baumgartner messaged me and said that I need to contact him asap. I called and he said the he went to Coach Davies and told him about the visit on Monday and they wanted to make me an offer. I really like how close it is to home, I think the program has taken a turn for the better, just a great program overall. I have a lot of pride when it comes to New Mexico, where I come from," Said Weaver on the offer.


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From Last Week talking to Jarrod Howell of Piedra Vista

“Coach Eric Morris (OC at Texas Tech) flew into Durango, Colorado and then drove down to Farmington last Thursday to visit with Dylan and also to speak with Elijah Gamboa, one of our top athletes. New Mexico State was also here last Monday and the University of New Mexico visited on Monday and we’ve also heard from a few additional D1 programs as of late,” According to Head Piedra Vista Football Coach Jarrod Howell.

May 5th Article

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Player development and the APS Soccer Complex

Lucien Starzynski, coach at Albuquerque High, wrote a very interesting letter to the Albuquerque Journal today about player development in the US and how it relates to the small fields at the soccer complex:

In a nutshell, Lucien says that we should be developing players that have the ability to play in small spaces.
