All-Tournament Team - Powered By Tate Branch Auto Group
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Class 6A
Bodhi Bolen - Rio Rancho - Earned win against Las Cruces, now 9-1
Chris Chapman - Cleveland - 3 RBIs against Atrisco Heritage
Daniel Salas - Rio Grande - 2 RBIs against Deming
Derek Hay - Las Cruces - with 6 ks on the mound against Sandia
Derek Trujillo - La Cueva - 3 for 3 with 2 runs against Mayfield
Devin Beard - Hobbs - 3 for 5 with single, double, and a triple against Eldorado
Dillon Gassoway - Volcano Vista - Hit triple against Carlsbad
Dillon Rodriguez - Volcano Vista - 2 run HR against Cibola
Dillon Rodriguez - Volcano Vista - RBI double against Rio Grande
Dom Baca - Sandia - HR against Las Cruces
Drew Gillespie - Sandia - Complete game against Las Cruces
Eric Hernandez - Carlsbad - 3 RBI double against Eldorado
Fernando Jara - Rio Rancho - RBI against Carlsbad
Gabe Trujillo - Volcano Vista - Hit RBI double against Carlsbad
Gavin Hertrich - Eldorado - 2 RBIs against Carlsbad
Garrett Gouldsmith - Rio Rancho - Played excellent defense throughout tournament
Jack Macias - Las Cruces - 75 pitch complete game against Sandia
Jack Penida - La Cueva - 2 for 4 with 1 RBI against Mayfield
Jason Herrera - Cleveland - 3-3 , 4 RBIs against Atrisco Heritage
Jonathan Stroman - La Cueva - 3-3 with HR against Mayfield, 6 IP, 6 K's
Josh Chavarria - Carlsbad - Earned win against Volcano Vista
Josh Chavarria - Carlsbad - Hit game winning sac fly against Rio Rancho
Justice Jackson - Cleveland - RBI against Atrisco Hertitage
Justice Jackson - Cleveland - two run single against La Cueva
Kam Miller - Las Cruces - was 3 for 5 with 2 doubles against Sandia, hit 3 run HR in game 2
Mark Dominguez - Rio Rancho - RBI against Las Cruces
Matt Chavarria - Carlsbad - HR for Carlsbad
Mikal Rojas - Cleveland - Earned win against La Cueva
Nate Garley - Eldorado - 3 run HR against Hobbs
Nate Garley - Eldorado - RBI against Carlsbad
Nick Martinez - Rio Rancho - Earned win against Alamogordo
Riley Peterson - Cleveland - RBI against Rio Rancho
Riley Peterson - Cleveland - RBI Double against Atrisco Heritage
Riley Peterson - Cleveland - RBI double against La Cueva
Ryan Johnson - La Cueva - 2 for 4 with 2 runs against Mayfield
Ryan Phillips - La Cueva - HR against Mayfield
Sergio Alfaro - Rio Grande - 14 strikeouts against Deming
Seth Olguin - Carlsbad - Hit double, scored game winning run against Rio Rancho
Shane Mora - Deming - 5 singles, 1 triple, 3 base on ballas, 2 RBI's aginst Rio Grande
Stone Romero - La Cueva - 2 for 3 with 2 RBIs against Mayfield
Tanner West - Volcano Vista - 3 hitter against Cibola
Tanner West - Volcano Vista - Earned win against Rio Grande
Tariq Levesque - Rio Rancho - 2 RBIs against Alamogordo
Tim Galindo - Las Cruces - 2 RBI single
Treston Shallenberger - Cleveland - 4-4 with 2 RBIs agaisnt Rio Rancho
Trevor Rogers - Carlsbad - Earned win against Eldorado, now 9-1
Trevor Rogers - Carlsbad - Hit 2 run HR against Volcano Vista
Tristin Lively - Las Cruces - 3 for 4 with a triple, against Sandia
Zach Bravo - Rio Rancho - Hit game winning two RBI double against Cleveland
Zach Groves - Eldorado - Hit HR against Hobbs
Zach Santoru - Volcano Vista - 3 for 7 with 2 doubles and turned 3 double plays against Cibola
Class 5A
Andrew Caliendo - Piedra Vista - 2-5 with walk off dub in bottom of 8
Cal Villareal - Goddard - Earned win against Piedra Vista
Cal Villarreal - Goddard - 10K’s against Del Norte
Carlos Carrasco - Artesia - 2-4, 3 runs, 2 RBI against Miyamura
Carlos Carrasco - Artesia 2-3, dbl, 1RBI - against Piedra Vista
CJ Bachechi - St. Pius X - 1 for 3 with 2 RBIs against Santa Teresa
Cody Fuentes - Artesia - 2-6, 2 runs, dbl against Miyamura
Colton Foster - Piedra Vista - 2-3 with a dub against Roswell
Connor Mang - Los Alamos - Walk off grand slam against Moriarty
Derek Farmer - Goddard - 1 double, single, sac fly and 2 RBIs against Del Norte, also threw out 2 from catcher
Deylan Pigford - Piedra Vista - 2-3, 2 RBI Against Artesia
Deylan Pigford - Piedra Vista - 3-4 with a dub against Roswell
Deylan Pigford - Piedra Vista 1-2 with a dub and an RBI against Goddard
Dominic Hines - Famrington - Went 4-4 with 5 RBI in game 2 vs Academy.
Dominic Madrid - Artesia - 3-4, 1 run against Miyamura
Elijah Gamboa - Piedra Vista - 1-3 with a trip and a run scored against Goddard
Elijah Gamboa - Piedra Vista - 2-3, 1 SB, 2 Runs Against Artesia
Fabian Magallanes - Piedra Vista - 6 2/3 (no hitter through 5/no decision) 1 earned
Gaylan Young - Goddard - Earned win against Academy
Grady Frost - Artesia - 2-5' 2 runs, 1 RBI, dbl against Miyamura
Jake Wyly - Academy - Hit HR against Farmington
Jesse Watson - Centennial - Hit RBI against Goddard
Jharyss Granger - Artesia - 4-6, 5 RBI, 1 run, 2 dbls against Miyamura
Jon Saiz - Academy - 3 RBI’s against Farmington
JR Bustamonte - Artesia 5 hit shutout CG against Miyamura
JR Pena - Centennial - 9 strikeouts against Belen
JR Pena - Centennial - Hit triple against Goddard
Junior Pena - Centennial - 9 strikeouts against Belen
Justin Lotz - St. Pius X - 2 for 3 with 4 RBIs against Santa Teresa
Karl Koerper - Centennial - RBI against Los Alamos
Kyle Duggins - Aztec - 2 hit shutout against Valencia
Lane Saunders - Los Alamos - WP against Del Norte
Luke Denoyer - St. Pius X - 2 for 3 with triple against Santa Teresa
Manny Cachora - Centennial - Hit game winning RBI against Goddard
Michael Arrieta - Centennial - 2 RBI double against Belen
Miles Hilton - St. Pius X - 2 for 3 in game 1, 3 for 4 in game 2 with 3RBIs
Orlan Warren - Piedra Vista - CG, 4 hits, 1 unearned against Roswell
Orlan Warren CG 54 pitches, 4 K's, 0 BB's 2 ER - Against Artesia
Ryan McGaha - St. Pius X - 2 for 3 against Santa Teresa, also earned the win on the mound, in game 2 he was 2 for 4 with 2 RBIs
Ryan McGaha - St. Pius X - Earned win against Aztec with 7 Ks
Sam Moody - Piedra Vista - 2-3, 4 RBI Against Artesia
Sam Moody - Piedra Vista - 3-3 with 2 dubs and 2 RBI's against Roswell
Seth Jones - Academy - Earned save against Farmington
Spencer Heyden - Aztec - 2 RBIs against St. Pius X
Taylor Null - Artesia - 2-2, dbl, run against Piedra Vista
Thomas Braybrooks - Academy - Earned win against Farmington
Tristan Bowden - Artesia 1-2, 1RBI against Piedra Vista
Tyler Mead - Piedra Vista - 1-3 with a dub against Roswell
Tyler Mead - Piedra Vista - 2-2 with 2 dubs and an RBI against Goddard
Tyler Mead - Piedra Vista 3-4, 1 RBI Against Artesia
Zach Gonzales - Centennial - 3 for 3 with two triples and 4 RBIs against Belen
Class 4A
Adam Abeyta - Taos - 3 for 4 against Robertson
Adam Abeyta - Taos - Hit 3 run HR against Sandia Prep
Adrian Ortiz - Cobre - 2 for 3 with RBI against Hope
Andrew Einhorn - Sandia Prep - 2 for 4 with double, triple, and 3 RBIs
Andru Sanchez - Cobre - 3 for 3 against Shiprock
Beau Williams - Sandia Prep - 3 for 4 with a double/RBI agianst NMMI
Beau Williams - Sandia Prep - 11 Ks against Silver
Brenden Charley - Bloomfield - RBI triple against Kirtland
Chauncey White - Bloomfield - 5 strikeouts against Kirtland
Chris Aranda - Portales - 2 for 2 with 2 RBIs against Cobre
Chris Aranda - Portales - 1 for 2 against Sandia Prep
Chris Dominugez - Cobre - WR against Shiprock
Corey Roberson - Cobre - 3 for 4 against Shiprock
Coy Karler - Hope - Hit 2 run HR against Pojoaque
Daniel Stell - Sandia Prep - 2 for 5 with 3 RBIs against Portales
Daniel Stell - Sandia Prep - 3 for 5 with 2 RBIs against Silver
Emilo Lovato - Portales - Allowed just 4 hits against Cobre
Garrett Cleavall - Sandia Prep - 3 Hits against NMMI
Grant Wagner - Portales - Earned win against Bloomfield, 2 for 2 at the plate with a double and triple against Bloomfield
Grant Wagner- Portales 2 hit complete game against West Las Vegas
Harris McConnell - Sandia Prep - 1 for 4 with 2 RBI's against Portales
Harris McConnell - Sandia Prep - 4 RBIs against NMMI
Harris McConnell - Sandia Prep - 7 for 9 during the series with 7 RBI’s and had 7 K’s on the mound against NMMI
Harris McConnell - Sandia Prep - Earned win against Taos
James Ramos - Cobre - 5 Ks against Hope
James Ramos - Cobre - WP against Shiprock
Joe Martinez - Sandia Prep - 3 for 3; 2B; 3 R; 1 RBI against NMMI
Joe Martinez - Sandia Prep - 3 hits against NMMI
Joe Martinez - Sandia Prep - Earned save against Taos
Joe Martinez - Sandia Prep - HR against Silver
Joe Martinez - Sandia Prep - WP against Portales in Title Game, also had 2 RBIs
Joe Standley - Hope - 11 Ks against Cobre
Joe Standley - Hope - Earned win, hit two run HR against Pojoaque
Johnny Martinez - Taos - 3 for 4 against Robertson
Jorge Gallardo - West LV - 3 for 5 against Portales
Luke Deifenbaugh - Bloomfield - RBI against Portales
Mike Snow - Sandia Prep - 3 hits against NMMI
Mike Snow - Sandia Prep - 4 for 4 with triple, double, and 4 runs scored against Taos
Mike Snow - Sandia Prep - 4 for 5 with 2 RBIs against Portales
Robbie Alacron - West LV - 4 for 5 against Portales
Robert Rodriguez - Cobre - 2 Run HR against Shiprock
Class 3A
Andres Aragon - Tularosa - 1-3,1B, BB & RBI against Dexter
Arturo Archuleta - Pecos - 10 Ks against Raton, also had 2 RBIs at the plate
Arturo Archuleta - Pecos - 15 Strikeouts against Lordsburg
Ben Crist - Texico - Earned win against Pecos in state title game
Bryce Jenkins - Eunice - 1-2 with double against Texico
Cole Rohrbach - Texico - 2 singles against Estancia
Dalton Thatcher - Texico - 1-3 with a 1 run against Pecos
Daton Thatcher - Texico - Pitched 4 hitter against Estancia
Dawson Prudencio - Tularosa - Complete game 7 hitter against Capitan, also at the plate he was 3 for 4 with 3 RBIs
Dominic Lomeli - Loving - 2 hitter with 11K's against Loving
Greg Cuevas - Lordsburg - 2 RBIs against Clayton
Jacob Esquivel - Lordsburg - 1 RBI against Clayton
Jacob Padilla - Tularosa - Two singles, a double and 4 RBIs against Capitan
Jake Padilla - Tularosa - 2-3, 1B, 3B, BB & RBI against Dexter
Joel Hernandez - Loving - 1 for 3 with RBI against Dexter
Johnny Plowman - Lordsburg - 3 hitter and had 6 Strikeouts against Clayton.
Nate Aragon - Tularosa - 1-3, 3B, BB, 2 RBIs against Dexter
Nate Phipps - Texico - 3 for 5 with 3 RBIs against Pecos
Nathan Phipps - Texico - 2-4 with 2 RBIs, a double, and a triple against Eunice
Rafael Maldonado - Texico - 2 for 3 with a double and 2 runs scored against Estancia
Rafael Maldonado - Texico - 2-4 with 1 RBI against Eunice
Ramon Retana - Lordsburg - 1 for 4 with 2 RBIs against Clayton
Xavier Lomeli - Dexter - Two RBIs against Loving
Class 2A/1A
Aaron Jasso - Dora - 3 for 3 with a double, triple, and 3 RBI’s
Justin Reynolds - Gateway - 2 run single against Melrose
Kendall Burnett - Melrose - 2 run single against Gateway
Rowdy Allen - Melrose - 2 for 4 against Dora
Wyatt Williams - Melrose - 3 for 5 with a double and three runs scored against Dora
Wyatt Williams - Melrose - Threw no hitter in state title game against McCurdy
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