Week 3 New Mexico High School Baseball Scores
Tuesday March 10th
Deming 7, Centennial 6
La Cueva 19, Atrisco 1
Los Alamos 4, Academy 3 - Connor Mang went 7, Zeke Long went 8, Jared Mang hit a 2 run HR
Sandia 3, Valley 2 - Gillespie WP, Paul Tapia went 4-4
Shiprock 6, Gallup 2
Valencia 6, Manzano 4 - Carlos Ramirez 2-4 with an HR
Volcano Vista 15, Eldorado 3
Wednesday March 11th
Raton 9, St. Mikes 8
Sandia Prep 12, Taos 2 - Ganwish went 4-4
Sandia Prep 12, Taos 8 - Ganwish went 3-4 with HR, Harris McConnell HR
Thursday March 12th
Belen 6, Ruidoso 3
Bernalillo 8 Gallup 2
Bernalillo 15 Blanding 7 (Bernalillo scored 12 runs in the sixth)
Blanding 5 Grants 1
Bloomfield 4 Espanola 3
Bloomfield 6 Grants 6
Carlsbad 13, Santa Fe 3
Cleveland 11, Alamogordo 0
East Mountain 5 Bloomfield 3
East Mountain beat Blanding (don't have score)
El Paso 3, Hot Springs 2
Espanola 9 Gallup 0
Farmington 4, Aztec 2
Goddard 4, St. Mikes 1 - Dunlap threw complete game, Roybal had 3 RBI’s
Grants 8 Gallup 2
La Cueva 11, Albuquerque 3
Los Alamos 12, Hope 2
Los Lunas 6, Aztec 1
Mayfield 4, Hobbs 0
Moab 7 Espanola 2
Moab beat Bernalillo by one run in the championship game
Moab beat East Mountain (don't have score)
Robertson 5, Miyamura 4
Silver 5, Morenci AZ 0
Valley 4, Volcano Vista 1
Valley 4, Volcano Vista 1
Vernal UT 5, PV 3 in 10 innings
Friday March 13th
Belen 7, Del Norte 6
Bernalillo 8, Gallup 1
Bernalillo 8, Grants 2
Blanding UT 5, Grants 1
Clovis 10, Del Norte 0
Cobre 15, EP Austin 4
Cobre 22, Hot Springs 3
Doherty Colorado 6, Deming 3 - Dante Urea had 2 RBI’s
East Mountain 5, Bloomfield 3
East Mountain 5, Bloomfield 3
Goddard 10, Belen 1
Grants 8, Gallup 2
Hobbs 9, Gadsden 8
Moab UT 7, Espanola 2
Moab UT 7, Espanola 2
Morenci 8, Miyamura 5
Onate 4, St. Pius X 0 - Fernando Escapita/Richie Valenzuela combined for a no-hitter
Piedra Vista 14, Moriarty 0
Rio Rancho 8, Gadsden 2 - Wyatt Kelly with 2 run double
Robertson 7 , Silver 4
Robertson 7, Silver 4
Shiprock 12, Pagosa Springs 2
Saturday March 14th
Academy 7, Sandia 5
Alamogordo 4, Artesia 2
Artesia 24, Santa Fe 7
Carlsbad 4, Cleveland 0 - Trevor Rogers threw a no-hitter with 11 K’s
Cobre 5, Robertson 4
Eldorado 10, Rio Grande 0 - Zak May hit 2 run HR
EP Burgers 3, Artesia 1
EP Burges 4, Cleveland 3
Goddard 12, Clovis 6
Hatch 10, NMMI 4
Highland 14, Capital 2
Highland 20, Capital 3
Hot Springs 10, Morenci 9
Miyamura 17, Cobre JV 1
NMMI 10, Hatch 7
Piedra Vista 3, Los Alamos 2
Silver 17, EP Austin 2
St. Mikes 3, Roswell 2
Valencia 3, Las Cruces 1 - Carlos Ramirez with 7K’s, Alex D’Arezzo went 2-3
Valley 7, Manzano 0
This post was edited on 3/16 5:21 PM by Kyle H
This post was edited on 3/16 5:22 PM by Kyle H