March 9TH through March 14TH - Post Final Scores Here

Week 3 New Mexico High School Baseball Scores

Tuesday March 10th
Deming 7, Centennial 6
La Cueva 19, Atrisco 1
Los Alamos 4, Academy 3 - Connor Mang went 7, Zeke Long went 8, Jared Mang hit a 2 run HR
Sandia 3, Valley 2 - Gillespie WP, Paul Tapia went 4-4
Shiprock 6, Gallup 2
Valencia 6, Manzano 4 - Carlos Ramirez 2-4 with an HR
Volcano Vista 15, Eldorado 3

Wednesday March 11th
Raton 9, St. Mikes 8
Sandia Prep 12, Taos 2 - Ganwish went 4-4
Sandia Prep 12, Taos 8 - Ganwish went 3-4 with HR, Harris McConnell HR

Thursday March 12th
Belen 6, Ruidoso 3
Bernalillo 8 Gallup 2
Bernalillo 15 Blanding 7 (Bernalillo scored 12 runs in the sixth)
Blanding 5 Grants 1
Bloomfield 4 Espanola 3
Bloomfield 6 Grants 6
Carlsbad 13, Santa Fe 3
Cleveland 11, Alamogordo 0
East Mountain 5 Bloomfield 3
East Mountain beat Blanding (don't have score)
El Paso 3, Hot Springs 2
Espanola 9 Gallup 0
Farmington 4, Aztec 2
Goddard 4, St. Mikes 1 - Dunlap threw complete game, Roybal had 3 RBI’s
Grants 8 Gallup 2
La Cueva 11, Albuquerque 3
Los Alamos 12, Hope 2
Los Lunas 6, Aztec 1
Mayfield 4, Hobbs 0
Moab 7 Espanola 2
Moab beat Bernalillo by one run in the championship game
Moab beat East Mountain (don't have score)
Robertson 5, Miyamura 4
Silver 5, Morenci AZ 0
Valley 4, Volcano Vista 1
Valley 4, Volcano Vista 1
Vernal UT 5, PV 3 in 10 innings

Friday March 13th
Belen 7, Del Norte 6
Bernalillo 8, Gallup 1
Bernalillo 8, Grants 2
Blanding UT 5, Grants 1
Clovis 10, Del Norte 0
Cobre 15, EP Austin 4
Cobre 22, Hot Springs 3
Doherty Colorado 6, Deming 3 - Dante Urea had 2 RBI’s
East Mountain 5, Bloomfield 3
East Mountain 5, Bloomfield 3
Goddard 10, Belen 1
Grants 8, Gallup 2
Hobbs 9, Gadsden 8
Moab UT 7, Espanola 2
Moab UT 7, Espanola 2
Morenci 8, Miyamura 5
Onate 4, St. Pius X 0 - Fernando Escapita/Richie Valenzuela combined for a no-hitter
Piedra Vista 14, Moriarty 0
Rio Rancho 8, Gadsden 2 - Wyatt Kelly with 2 run double
Robertson 7 , Silver 4
Robertson 7, Silver 4
Shiprock 12, Pagosa Springs 2

Saturday March 14th
Academy 7, Sandia 5
Alamogordo 4, Artesia 2
Artesia 24, Santa Fe 7
Carlsbad 4, Cleveland 0 - Trevor Rogers threw a no-hitter with 11 K’s
Cobre 5, Robertson 4
Eldorado 10, Rio Grande 0 - Zak May hit 2 run HR
EP Burgers 3, Artesia 1
EP Burges 4, Cleveland 3
Goddard 12, Clovis 6
Hatch 10, NMMI 4
Highland 14, Capital 2
Highland 20, Capital 3
Hot Springs 10, Morenci 9
Miyamura 17, Cobre JV 1
NMMI 10, Hatch 7
Piedra Vista 3, Los Alamos 2
Silver 17, EP Austin 2
St. Mikes 3, Roswell 2
Valencia 3, Las Cruces 1 - Carlos Ramirez with 7K’s, Alex D’Arezzo went 2-3
Valley 7, Manzano 0

This post was edited on 3/16 5:21 PM by Kyle H

This post was edited on 3/16 5:22 PM by Kyle H

Tournament Top Performers

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1st Round Top Performers

Alexis Lovato - Espanola - Scored 8 against Del Norte

Amber Logan - Los Alamos - Scored 22 (6 3's) against Goddard

Ashlynn Trujillo - Los Alamos - Scored 22 against Goddard

Brianna Roybal - Valley - Scored 27 against Albuquerque

Caley Barnard - Melrose - Scored 21 against Shiprock NW

Cera Chavez - Los Lunas - Scored 13 against Aztec

Charlie Daniels - Ramah - Scored 30 against Ft. Sumner

Cheyenne Livingston - Gallup - Scored 12 and 6 boards against PV

Corbyn Cunningham - Cibola - Scored 23 against Sandia

Danni Williams - Clovis - Scored 43 against Gadsden

Deiondra Smith - Kirtland - Scored 23 against Hatch

Destiny Vigil - Valencia - Scored 18 against St. Pius X

Jayden Perez - Las Cruces - Scored 21 against Santa Fe

Jordyn Stowe - Grady - Scored 22 against Walatowa

Mariah Forde - Belen - Scored 26 against Farmington

Marily Varela - Elida - Scored 17 against Floyd

Meeya Yazzie - Farmington - Scored 12 against Belen

Megan Guadian - Las Cruces - Scored 19 against Santa Fe

Myra McCaskill - Aztec - Scored 10 against Los Lunas

NiAsia McIntosh - Gallup - Scored 18 and 5 rebounds against PV

Nikki Benally - Piedra Vista - Scored 24 against Gallup

Raven Herrera - Valencia - Scored 24 against St. Pius X
Shay Smith - Laguna - Scored 27 against Loving

This post was edited on 3/9 7:49 AM by Kyle H

This post was edited on 3/16 6:42 AM by Kyle H

Albuquerque Analysis

First off lots of things impressed me this time around more than usual but here are the top five...
1. The prices for hotel rooms in Albuquerque were amazingly low. We had a beautiful suite that would have cost over $250 in Hobbs per night and was only ninety dollars. Amazing.
2. The service at restaurants is also amazing. The only place that did not do a spectacular job was the steakhouse at Sandia Resort. In Hobbs...the service sucks if you can even get into a place to eat. Every place in Hobbs is still begging for employees for the service industries despite the slow down.
3. The efficiency of the staff at the Pit was also excellent. Parking prices were normal for the tourney and the attendants were very good. One guy says to me....Well, I got bad news. We just raised the prices and it is now $15 for this lot and $10 for the lots further down. I have to admit that I was frozen in silence and then he bursts out laughing. HIs final comment was...By the way the snack bar prices are not a joke. This guy was a comedian. Loved it.
4. Loosest slot machines ever at Sandia. Thanks Sandia for paying for my entire trip! I stopped counting the number of four deuces I hit on deuces wild spin-poker. In Hobbs...if you don't lose your allotment in the first hour you are lucky. LOL
5. The number of Hobbs fans that were able to make it on Saturday really pleased me. I was surprised by the jab that Yodice gave to the Rio Rancho schools for poor support in the paper. That seemed to inspire Cleveland to show up better for the final.

All in all...a great trip. Congrats to all the teams that played. And especially to Hobbs for winning their 10th title appearance in a row . Yet another amazing stat. They have now won at least one title in every decade since the 1950's. They are 17-4 in their 21 title appearance. Three of those four loses were by one point each. But, like I said...amazing job Albuquerque.
