ABQ Elite Athletics

Albuquerque's largest indoor baseball facility opening March 8th![/B]

ABQ Elite Athletics, home of the ABQ Flames, is proud to announce the opening of our new Elite Athletic Baseball Training Facility. Albuquerque's hidden gem creating opportunities for hard-working athletes and their families to have the opportunity to train with Elite Baseball coaches in New Mexico's newest Elite Athletic Training Facility![/B]

Our Grand Opening will be Sunday March 8th at 12:30pm. The new facility is located at 3800 Hawkins NE, Albuquerque, NM 87109.[/B]

ABQ Elite Athletics is inviting everyone in the local community to stop by our Grand Opening from 1-5pm:

· ABQ Flames Hit-A-Thon, 1-4pm[/B]

o New Mexico's Fastest growing Baseball Club will attempt to hit 2500 Line Drives in 3 hours!

· ABQ Flames Elite College Commitment Ceremony, 4-5pm[/B]

o Esteban Carrazco- Third Base- Santa Fe HS - Oklahoma Panhandle State University

o Adam Cogburn- Catcher- Highland HS - Hastings University

o Ethan Conley- Outfield- Highland HS - Beloit College

o Anthony Inge- Pitcher- Volcano Vista HS- Eastern NM

o Takis Thayer-Catcher- Santa Fe HS- Academy of Art Institute

· Award Winning Food:[/B]

o Big Al's Hot Dogs

o Duck Dog Bar-B-Que

"We are so excited and blessed to have the opportunity to expand and increase our ability to offer opportunities to ABQ's youth not only to develop as athletes but as hard-working members of our community" -Mat Charney, AEA Director

For questions or additional details please contact:

Mat Charney- AEA Director, c: 505-385-0206[/URL], email: [/B]

ABQ Elite

Past Basketball Games on video

WARNING: if you are not interested in the history of Basketball in New Mexico or Hobbs Basketball in general please leave this post before reading further!

I have posted videos from past Basketball games on my facebook page "Hobbs Basketball By The Numbers". The games I have posted so far are:
Hobbs vs Roswell 1977-78 176-49 played in Hobbs
Hobbs vs Carlsbad 1969-70 170-104 played in Carlsbad
Hobbs vs Clovis 1989-90 80-61 District Tiebreaker played in Clovis
Hobbs vs Albuquerque 1980-81 93-85 State Championship game played in Albuquerque
Hobbs vs Albuquerque 1969-70 123-87 State Championship played in Las Cruces (1st and 2nd quarter only)

I have also posted the acceptance speech from the Disney award to Coach Tasker, a couple of interviews with Coach Tasker from the local stations Midland/Odessa, The CBS Morning Show which featured Coach Tasker, and some coverage of when Coach Tasker passed away.

plus lots of pictures (over 1500) of Hobbs teams, players etc back to 1949.

I also have the book "Hobbs Basketball By The Numbers" available through here is a link to it:

plenty more games to be posted from Hobbs and New Mexico High School Basketball history.
