6A FOOTBALL RANKINGS (WEEK 1 - August, 18th)
1. Cleveland (2019 State Playoff Seed: 3rd) -2
2. La Cueva (2019 State Playoff Seed: 7th) -5
3. Volcano Vista (2019 State Playoff Seed: 1st) -2
4. Rio Rancho (2019 State Playoff Seed: 4th) Even
5. Las Cruces (2019 State Playoff Seed: 5th) Even
6. Centennial (2019 State Playoff Seed: 6th) Even
7. Eldorado (2019 State Playoff Seed: 10th) -3
8. Mayfield (2019 State Playoff Seed: 8th) Even
9. Clovis (2019 State Playoff Seed: 2nd) -7
10. Manzano (2019 State Playoff Seed: Missed the playoffs) -3
11. Hobbs (2019 State Playoff Seed: Missed the playoffs) -3
12. Carlsbad (2019 State Playoff Seed: 9th) -3
13. Cibola (2019 State Playoff Seed: 11th) -2
14. Sandia (2019 State Playoff Seed: 12th) -2
Grade: B-ish. For the most part outside of La Cueva and Clovis, I stayed in the -3 range and for predictions only missing out on two is not terrible. I will say early in the season we did make the shift to Clovis moving up and possibly winning the district. I don't know of a person who didn't have La Cueva ranked in the 1-3 spots. We knew Clovis would be good this season but they've outplayed their spot
The Good
Centennial - We predicted 8-2 but had a best-case scenario at 9-1.
Rio Rancho - We predicted 4th (above) but we also said 6-4 this seaosn, they went 6-4.
Clovis - We said 6-4 and they went 7-3.
The Bad
Volcano Vista - We said stay in the 7-win range (so 7-3). They went 10-0. Not bad but dang you're right on the money if you said 10-0. Outside of Hawks fans, players and coaches, I don't believe you if you said 10-0.
The Ugly
Carlsbad - We stated Carlsbad would go 2-8 or 3-7 and they go 6-4. We did have the best case scenario at 6-4.
They Said It (Cold Takes)
Poster: "They [Rio Rancho] are staring at a 3 and 7 record and maybe a 9 through 11 seed"
Poster: "No way Centennial is outside the top 4"
Not Sold Then But Now Sold?
Poster: "Not completely sold on Clovis just yet....."
Posters Predicting the 2019 Season - Week 11
Cleveland 10-0, La Cueva 10-0, Centennial 9-1...Link::
Check it out