6-0 Eunice Recording Unheard of Stats

Besides having one of the nicest stadiums in the state and having the nicest field house in the state they are also displaying some just jaw dropping numbers. Against Tucumcari they allowed exactly one first down and that came on a penalty for running into the punter. The Rattlers had zero rushing/passing first downs. Their longest gain for the night was seven yards. Tucumcari's total yards for the night was five. Five. That is just barely more than 1 yard per quarter average. Not only have the Cardinals not lost a single game in their new stadium (3-0) the defense has not allowed a single offensive point to be scored in that new home. Eunice's three home games have been 42-2, 49-0 and 54-0 which was called in the 3rd quarter. Amazing stats. The 3A showdown between the Cardinals (6-0) away at Capitan (6-0) coming up next should be fascinating as it is a rematch of last year's title game.
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********WEEK 7 PICK'EM*******


How it works. Pick the winner of the 10 games listed, we keep track of the points, and provide weekly standings, and have an end of the year tournament, and pass out prizes. Get your picks in as soon as possible.

Aztec vs Kirtland Central, +2,000 either way
St. Mikes vs Taos, +2,000 either way
Piedra Vista vs Cibola, +2,000 either way
Carlsbad at Onate, +2,000 (Carlsbad win is +2,200)
Mountainair vs Melrose, +2,000 (Mountainair win is +3,000)
Eldorado vs Clovis, +2,500 (Eldorado win is +3,000)
Las Cruces vs Hobbs, +2,500 (Las Cruces win is +2,750)
Eunice vs Capitan, +2,750 (Eunice win is +3,200)
Rio Rancho vs Cleveland, +3,000 either way
Manzano vs La Cueva, +4000 either way

How To Post Your Picks (These are not my picks)
St. Mikes
Piedra Vista
Las Cruces
Rio Rancho

Keep this thread to picks only so other users don’t get confused

Numbers: Poster Picks as of Thursday

For the week#7 picks as of Thursday morning - with about 50 picks made by that time frame

Overall % of picks NM Prep’s posters favoring for these games

Aztec/KC 88+% for Aztec

SM/Taos 60% for St. Mikes

PV/Cib 66% for Cibola

Carls/Onate 70% for Onate

Mount/Mel 86% for Melrose

Eldo/Clovis 86% for Clovis

LC/Hobbs 54% for Las Cruces

Eun/Cap 66% for Eunice

RR/Cleve 60% for Cleveland

Manz/LaCueva 66% for Manzano

Week 6 Pick 'Em Results

TexMex02 now sits at the top of the standings with 36675 points.

CVADJ7350 had the perfect score for the week 16650 points out of 16650 possible points for week #6.

(65) We had a nice large attendance for week #6 for Pick 'Em with 65-players! This is another solid number and if you didn't play last week there is always time to catch up during the season.

64 or 32-team tournament will take place at the conclusion of the final weeks.



Leadership Week 4

Chapter 4: The Marks of a Mentor Leader- “Characteristics That Matter”

1. Are you leading in the trenches or from an ivory tower?

It’s an old school theory to lead from the Ivory Tower. Those you lead will not respect your title just because you’re supposed to be in charge. I see this occasionally, the person in charge demands respects and loyalty because of their title. However, in return never displays these traits back to the people they lead. Being in the trenches creates buy-in and will create shared experiences, enhance relationships, and strengthen loyalty. Invest in the people you lead and lead by example.

2. How loyal are you to those you lead? Are you their shepherd or do you place the blame when things go south?

With my coaches I try to handle all the issues off the field (parents, boosters, paperwork) so they can focus on our mission and performance on the field. In regards to players, I reiterate this after every game- “You guys take credit for the wins, I’ll take the blame for the losses.” The last thing I want is for my players or coaches the worry about being thrown under the bus if things go bad. Coaching thru fear I believe hinders performance, kids avoid taking chances because they want to avoid a confrontation of blame from the coach. Loyalty breeds loyalty, but I believe the opposite is also true. Negativity, breeds negativity. If those you lead know that you are always on the lookout for a scapegoat they will be less likely to trust you when they need your loyalty the most.

3. Do you exhibit faith in what you’re doing?

Trust the process, regardless of others opinions. There are times when you need to reevaluate the plan, but we will talk about that in the next question. My first two years in Lovington have been rocky. I implemented a concept that was new to everyone. Create better people, then create better baseball players. There has been resistance to the change. My first year a lot of players quit the program because of the things I implemented. Our on the field performance has been improving, but still has quite a ways to go. I still occasionally run into someone who expresses their opinion of what I’m doing and that we should focus on winning games and not reading books. What we’re doing is built for the long-term. Short-term success in this profession to me will always be temporary. Like the book says “Most of the time we are only judged on the outcome, whereas the only thing we can control is the process. Make your process the right one and stay true to it.”

4. Have you changed due to a paradigm shift?

I’ve had a few paradigm shifts in my career. Switching from win at all costs to a program built around creating better people, would be the biggest. What idea or philosophy have you always held true and found out that it was a lie or not exactly what you hoped it to be? If you’ve never done this it might be time to reevaluate your beliefs. Are they really your beliefs or something you’ve just held true because that’s what you were taught?

Important Takeaways

-4 primary trustworthy traits: Competence, Integrity, Security, & Authenticity

-Character- the fundamental mark of effective leadership

-Long-term success requires faith in the execution of the process


“In order to lead effectively, mentor leaders must be willing to get into the trenches. They must get involved. It’s not possible to mentor from an ivory tower”

“To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved”

“Loyalty develops depth in a relationship, which forges the bonds to hold the relationship firm and fast when storms and challenges come.”

“If people aren’t comfortable with their leaders (who they are & what they stand for) they won’t stick around long enough to hear about the vision.”
