This is a little old, but reminded me of the Oñate forfeit/unforfeit situation.
This seems like it was an "adult" mistake (and it was) but in this situation the team got punished with minimal public outcry. Plus, this was in a state playoff game.
In regards to 3A through 1A it's a bit more cloudy as far as figuring out who will be the number one team in each class. Of course, 1A can pretty much pencil in Elida at number one for now. 3A has a handful of returning contenders. 2A has the usual suspects, but it's a toss-up for now. Any feedback or insight on 2A and 1A would be greatly appreciated.
For all you parents and coaches, if you know a Junior (especially and athlete wanting to play college sports...) who has not take the ACT or SAT yet, they have one more opportunity this school year. If they don't get it done in this last one, they will have to wait until September (after a summer without any knowledge going in there heads...)
Test Date ----------- Registration Deadline --- Score Released
June 10, 2017------ May 5, 2017 ----------------- June 20, 2017
Test Date ----------- Registration Deadline --- Score Released
June 3, 2017 ------ May 9, 2017 ------------------ July 12, 2017