
- Division II and Division III are getting rid of two-a-days.

It’s a move that already happened in the NFL and is moving to college. As a result, fall camp can open earlier. Bronco Mendenhall recently talked about this coming option in FBS. The Division III presidents will vote to make it official at their level later this month.

“It is a difficult decision to make when tradition and coaching experiences call for us to have multiple practice sessions in any one given day, but our primary mission of providing for the safety and security for all scholar-athletes must be put at the forefront,” said Brit Katz, Management Council chair and vice president of student-life and dean of students at Millsaps. “Data suggests that a disproportionate number of injuries occur during the preseason and practice sessions, so we should then consider other means of providing skill development and team development absent those types of contact practices that lead to injury.”

In addition, the NCAA said, “To account for the practice time lost due to the elimination of two-a-day practices, the Management Council also recommended a one-time blanket waiver that would remove the prohibition on athletically related activity during the two days before the first permissible practice date for football in 2017. The Presidents Council will act on the recommendation later this month.”

Couple key proposals/decisions this week for college football

There could be some changes to a couple potentially key pieces to college football this week.

The Division I Council will vote on legislation at its April 12-14 meeting. That includes a potential change to the recruiting calendar (allowing high school athletes to sign NLI in December, etc.) and well as adding a 10th full-time assistant coach.

If adopted, the legislation is effective immediately, though the Division I Board of Directors could decide to make changes when that group meets on April 26, similar to what happened last year with the camps and clinics legislation, NCAA's Michelle Hosick said.
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