We will update the list throughout the season and provide scores. If your team is missing send us a text 505-414-4313 or an email to correct the information
Thursday, August 19th
Highland at Eldorado, 7pm
Sandia at Valley, 7pm
Friday, August 20th
Del Norte at Atrisco Heritage, 7pm
Los Lunas at Piedra Vista, 6pm
Mayfield at Manzano, 7pm
Organ Mountain at
Albuquerque, 7pm
Valencia at Alamogordo, 7pm
Volcano Vista at Las Cruces, 7pm
West Mesa at Belen, 7pm
Saturday, August 21st
Cibola at La Cueva, 1pm
Cleveland at Centennial, 1pm
Rio Rancho at Goddard, 1pm
Thursday, August 26th
Highland at Albuquerque, 7pm
Rio Grande at Atrisco Heritage, 7pm
Volcano Vista at Manzano, 7pm
Friday, August 27th
Alamogordo at Los Lunas, 7pm
Belen at Farmington, 7pm
El Paso Franklin at Cleveland, 7pm
Del Norte at Valencia, 7pm
Deming at Organ Mountain, 7pm
Las Cruces at Cibola, 7pm
Piedra Vista at Valley, 7pm
Rio Rancho at La Cueva, 7pm
Saturday, August 28th
West Mesa at Centennial, 1pm
Eldorado at Mayfield, 7pm
Thursday, Sept. 2nd
Albuquerque at Del Norte, 7pm
Friday, Sept. 3rd
Artesia at Belen, 7pm
Atrisco Heritage at Piedra Vista, 7pm
Centennial at Sandia, 7pm
Eldorado at Rio Rancho, 7pm
Farmington at Highland, 7pm
Los Lunas at West Mesa, 7pm
Manzano at Cleveland, 7pm
Organ Mountain at Mayfield, 7pm
Rio Grande at Valencia, 7pm
Saturday, Sept. 4th
Carlsbad at Volcano Vista, 1pm
La Cueva at Las Cruces, 1pm
St. Pius X at Valley, 1pm
Thursday, Sept. 9th
Del Norte at Rio Grande, 7pm
Sandia at West Mesa, 7pm
Friday, Sept. 10th
Atrisco Heritage at Valley, 7pm
Belen at Miyamura, 7pm
Cibola at Eldorado, 7pm
La Cueva at Volcano Vista, 7pm
Las Cruces at Cleveland, 7pm
Los Lunas at Roswell, 7pm
Valencia at Portales, 7pm
Saturday, Sept. 11th
Highland at Organ Mountain, 1pm
Friday, September 17th
Cibola at Los Lunas, 7pm
Cleveland at Artesia, 7pm
Manzano at Albuquerque, 7pm
Piedra Vista at Valencia, 7pm
Rio Grande at West Mesa, 7pm
Sandia at La Cueva, 7pm
Valencia at Santa Teresa, 7pm
Valley at Deming, 7pm
Saturday, September 18th
Centennial at Atrisco Heritage, 1pm
Rio Rancho at Organ Mountain, 1pm
Santa Fe at Eldorado, 1pm
Friday, September 24th
Belen at Capital, 7pm
Bloomfield at Valencia, 7pm
Del Norte at Farmington, 7pm
Eldorado at Albuquerque, 7pm
Goddard at Los Lunas, 7pm
Highland at Cibola, 7pm
La Cueva at Clovis, 7pm
Manzano at Santa Fe, 7pm
Volcano Vista at Sandia, 7pm
Saturday, 25th
Portales at Rio Grande, 1pm
Thursday, September 30th
La Cueva at Eldorado, 7pm
Manzano at Del Norte, 7pm
Friday, October 1st
Atrisco Heritage at Cleveland, 7pm
Albuquerque at Clovis, 7pm
Centennial at Organ Mountain, 7pm
Cibola at Rio Rancho, 7pm
Grants at Valencia, 7pm
Los Lunas at Highland, 7pm
Santa Fe at Sandia, 7pm
West Mesa at Volcano Vista, 7pm
Saturday, Oct. 2nd
Belen at Valley, 1pm
Capital at Rio Grande, 1pm
Las Cruces at Carlsbad, 1pm
Thursday, Oct. 7th
Sandia at Albuquerque, 7pm
Volcano Vista at at Atrisco Heritage, 7pm
Friday, Oct. 8th
Albuquerque Academy at Valencia, 7pm
Cleveland at Cibola, 7pm
Del Norte at at Belen, 7pm
Eldorado at Manzano, 7pm
Las Cruces at Hobbs, 7pm
Organ Mountain at Gadsden, 7pm
Rio Grande at Santa Teresa, 7pm
Valley at Highland, 7pm
Saturday, Oct. 9th
Rio Rancho at West Mesa, 1pm
Thursday, Oct. 14th
Cleveland at Volcano Vista, 7pm
Eldorado at Sandia, 7pm
Friday, Oct. 15th
Atrisco Heritage at Rio Rancho, 7pm
Clovis at Manzano, 7pm
Hobbs at Organ Mountain, 7pm
Los Lunas at Valley, 7pm
Valencia at St. Pius X
West Mesa at Cibola, 7pm
Saturday, 0ct. 16th
Albuquerque at Rio Grande, 1pm
Highland at Del Norte, 1pm
Las Cruces at Centennial, 1pm
Santa Fe at La Cueva, 7pm
Thursday, October 21st
Cibola at Atrisco Heritage
Friday, October 22nd
Albuquerque at Santa Fe, 7pm
Del Norte at Los Lunas, 7pm
Highland at Belen, 7pm
La Cueva at Manzano, 7pm
Organ Mountain at Carlsbad, 7pm
Rio Rancho at Volcano Vista, 7pm
Sandia at Clovis, 7pm
Valencia at Bernalillo, 7pm
Valley at Rio Grande, 7pm
West Mesa at Cleveland, 7pm
WEEK 11 (OCTOBER 28th-30TH)
Thursday, Oct. 28th
Manzano at Sandia, 7pm
Friday, Oct. 29th
Albuquerque, at La Cueva, 7pm
Cleveland at Rio Rancho, 7pm
Orgran Mountain at Las Cruces, 7pm
Valley at Del Norte, 7pm
Volcano Vista at Cibola, 7pm
Saturday, Oct. 30th
Atrisco Heritage at West Mesa, 1pm
Belen at Los Lunas, 1pm
Clovis at Eldorado, 1pm
Rio Grande at Highland, 1pm